all wonderfully awesome things, sometimes, but not always, must come to an end
Well, here I am Wednesday, January 4th 4:39 P.M. West Coast Time. I leave tomorrow at 11:45 to go back to Bowling Green, Kentucky. I didn't realize how much I missed home until I came back and got to...
View Articlesince I've been home
in the 2 days I've been home I have... been accepted to Western Kentucky University, I know it's not hard, but I'm excited seen Hostel, I thought it was good, but it wasn't up to Quentin Tarentino par,...
View Articleyou left the frays from the ties you severed when you said best friends means...
well, my car may be fixed for a lot cheaper than i thought. We'll see soon. The process for house/apt. shopping has begun. no big leads yet, but they'll also be here soon. my top 5 movie list: (in no...
View ArticleI found a new good band today, I'm happy
Soooo, the house we were supposed to get was denied for stupid reasons that I'm not going to take time to explain. So, today hopefully we will be looking for a house again. Top Ten movie list coming...
View ArticleCBS...asian town
she tagged me and that means I am it Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself", and people who get tagged need to write a pleonast entry about...
View Articletommy likey, tommy want morey
class's nice to be back in school, and at a real school, not a babysitting school. So far, way better. I am taking: English, Western Civ, and World Regional Geography, on the first day,...
View Article01/31/06 4:30PM
Let's see how long of a post I can write without saying anything. I'm sitting on a chair. Rob is playing video games. Emily, Will, and Dave are watching. Steve just got off the phone. Jon is sleeping....
View Article02/08/06 1:43PM
I am motivated to do my work. I mean I actually want to succeed in school. I've never felt like this before. I got surf ninjas. Questions of the day: Do you think you know me? Do you think I know you?...
View ArticleHow Stupid Are you?
1. How many of each animal did Moses take on the ark? 2. If you take 2 apples from a basket of 5 apples, How many do you have? 3. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on...
View Article02/24/06 2:38PM
the next time people that won't see me til summer see me, I'll be ripped.
View Article03/02/06 4:44PM
David, when are you coming to Bowling Green. Lyin' ain't cool, and if anyone tries to tell you it is, they're lyin' and that ain't cool-David Kerr
View Articleno title
i really have nothing to post about. i'm glad ultimate frisbee is getting back together, every saturday, and as soon as the ligts come back on, every sunday night, and stuff. I got a 77 on my first...
View Article03/16/06 4:17PM
who's gonna win the NCAA tournament? Spring Break is gonna rule! I can't wait, this time tomorrow, I will be on my way. I hate soccer I love Football I hate losing I love basketball which one of...
View Articlei love Road-Trips
spring break was awesome. anyone that was at frisbee, don't worry, I'll be fine.
View Article04/11/06 1:52PM
Thursday, April 13th at 7:00 P.M. at Keriyakes park, Ultimate Frisbee. Be there.
View Article05/30/06 6:45PM
its weird how when you have a cold you definitely know something is wrong, however, your body still works and it doesn't keep you from functioning. I guess thats the difference between diseases....
View Article09/01/06 8:32PM
i have a thing on my desk that keeps change in it, instead of change mysteriously disappearing, it keeps magically appearing, it's a mystery. I am 21, I still haven't bought a beer.
View Article11/19/07 6:57PM
december 20th, this part of the journey comes to an end, I'm gonna miss my dog.
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