Well, here I am Wednesday, January 4th 4:39 P.M. West Coast Time. I leave tomorrow at 11:45 to go back to Bowling Green, Kentucky. I didn't realize how much I missed home until I came back and got to do all the things I missed so much. I worked almost every day, and yet, while I was there, I was so happy because I was with friends. I love that job. I got to see mostly everyone I missed. I ate at almost all the places I had on my list. I ate at in-n-out at least 6 times. But I miss BG as well. I will be happy to be at my other home. I know that whatever happens in the future, if God is number one things will work out. (side note, the dell thing on dell computers looks like a power button, but it's not) I am excited to see everyone back in KY and I'm excited to get back to playing ultimate once a week. I broke my frisbee on the last night of work throwing into a wall on accident, it had been through a lot. I bought a new one today, it's my new baby and I hope it treats me as well as I plan to treat it. How gay did that just sound? See everyone soon, I love you all and I will miss everyone from california, especially all my family, all you amazing people in so-cal, and everyone from Regal. (no one from regal will read this) bye.